
Georgia Weithe's Blog

Thursday, January 28, 2010


We carry encoded in our beings a longing to reveal the secrets of life and the mysteries of death. The answers are in plain sight for all to see-we just have to open our eyes and look at the whole picture; not just snapshots of our lives.

View the span of a lifetime like you are watching the sequence of time-lapse photography…a seed is planted in the womb and an embryo grows, floating in its liquid sack of life-giving nutrients; then it’s born into the world like a fish out of water but learns to adapt to the dry land. It is a bundle of potential like the seed of a plant, and gradually it blossoms into a walking and talking toddler, then young child, then pre-teen and teenager; every phase of life another milestone which represents being born into a new stage of growth, and dying to the last. We reach full bloom in young adulthood and continue to transform as we ripen and age, until finally the bloom begins to fade.

Consider these incredible and miraculous changes. Death taught me to see them not as something to be feared but as something to be in awe of. They are so easy to miss as we fly through the business of living. When confronted with our mortality, we find ourselves taking the time to see the beauty and wonder of all we take for granted. Why wait for a crisis? Do it now , and live your life with a deeper appreciation for the wonder that it is!

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